Originally Posted by The_Isle: E$ s9 C8 E" n
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Frequenting a chinese rock forum, I came across a post saying that apparently awhile ago COB said something inflammatory against the chinese during a live Japanese concert, I obviously don't know whether this is true or not. The thread is probably just spinning something out of proportion, and it mentions confirmation found on the official COB site which I can't find anywhere.
Was there a thread in the COB forums that got deleted? If there was any such occurence can someone explain the context behind it?
Thanks. 以上是引用国外某论坛的一段发言,本来是想去看看那论坛用什么语言写的,吸收点国外新技术,但是忽然之间看到CHINESE和ROCK的字眼,于是GOOGLE翻译外加请教朋友终于弄明白大致的意思:COB(应该是某乐队名称)到日本演出的时候接受采访说中国人民很讨厌,要除光所有中国人之类的! 偶然又想起来前段时间出租车上听广播道:德国某中餐厅发生灭门案再未查明真像之前的国媒体报导说是当地华人黑手党干的。又有美国某电视台报导中国餐厅卖老鼠肉之类的。 前段时间和个客户聊天(此人一年有大半时间在美国,算半个美国人,父母儿子都有绿卡):中国人给国外的感觉不好,说中国人喜欢抄袭,说什么都喜欢抄,不管是哪行哪业,然后又给我举了好多例子,仔细想想也是,什么国产汽车,电视广告,动画片,以及各类工业产品都抄袭国外,前段时间还看到这样一则报导:某广东企业被德国媒体评为最会抄袭企业(啥奖项我忘记了,但大致是这个意思)。 哈哈扯开了,扯开了,大过年的,咱中国人过年应该不算抄袭老外的吧。 楼下的同学门别忙着灌水,乱侃几句:中国人为什么近年来给老外们感觉这么差?! |